Category Archives: Diet One Liners

I’m an emotional eater. When I get upset, my diet goes out the window.

For my diet, I choose mostly organic. But in general, I am a big believer in trying to strike a balance with everything.

I remember when the Atkins diet arrived; I lost 16 lb in the first month, but when I stopped, it all went back on again.

We are increasingly offered a diet in which sensation, not story, is king.

I was elected to the Diet in the same way as at every parliamentary election.

If I can’t eat the meal in a restaurant, and the waiter asks, ‘Is everything all right, Madam?’, I tell them that I’m on a diet.

I would eat healthy at times and pig out at times. But I never had to go on a strict diet plan.

Diet Coke is the only way I get through filming because I get so tired.

I follow a dairy-free and gluten-free diet, which can be challenging in some places.

I pay attention to my diet to be a healthier gymnast, but I’m not obsessive over it.

I think one of the saddest things that’s happening to literature is that it’s getting over-simplified by this diet of simple political ideas.

I try to not be too hard on myself regarding my diet. I’ve always been a workout-to-eat kind of a girl.

The doctor asked what my diet was like and I had to sit down and realize it’s not normal, and hadn’t been normal for about 20 years.

The best diet is the one that can be sustained over the long term, combined with other healthful lifestyle behaviors.

I just got tired of being overweight and unfit, so I changed my diet from hamburgers to yogurt and muesli, and it seems to work.

I am very lucky in that I can eat what I want and don’t have to follow any special diet.

Yeah, I’m kind of fit. And I’m quite careful about my diet.

Everyone is going to binge on a diet, for instance, so plan for it, schedule it, and contain the damage.

The longest-lived people eat a plant-based diet. They eat meat but only as a condiment or a celebration. Nothing they eat has a plastic wrapper.