Category Archives: Divorce One Liners

My parents did divorce, but my dad has always been present for me and loving me and my mom as well when she was alive.

During the divorce process, I lived alone and tended to get extremely down on myself.

Anyone who’s been through divorce will know that every day is really hard.

The day I initiated divorce proceedings against Michael Farmer, I was ready to retire to a desert cave and rethink my life.

I feel that marriage can lead to the ultimate rejection and failure and divorce and things we all fear.

Those who have gone through a divorce know the pain and special challenges of raising a child under such circumstances.

It’s weird being a photographer because you really have to divorce yourself from the image.

We’ve all been affected by divorce in one way or another, whether we’ve experienced it personally, or witnessed family or friends go through it.

Divorce in a young-adult novel means what being orphaned meant in a fairy tale: vulnerability, danger, unwanted independence.

Divorce is brutal and horrible and… you have to actively work to get your life back on track.

I was a lawyer and I loved it, but my Francesca was born, and a divorce followed way too soon after.

Men and women were declared equal one morning and everybody could divorce each other by postcard.

The foolish and cruel notion that a wife is to obey her husband has sent more women to the grave than to the courts for a divorce.

I think the key for a child to do well in a divorce is, very simply, you have to be honest with them.

Coming from a family where the parents had been together for 40 years, you never imagine that divorce is going to happen to you.

I had a romantic, ‘Aren’t I a good girl?’ take on divorce, but the truth is that was stupid.

Nobody sounds good writing about your divorce, let’s face it.

It’s a really weird thing, modern divorce. I found out I was getting divorced on television. That was kind of weird.