Category Archives: School One Liners

Our school is very low-budgeted; our physics book is so out of date the last chapter deals with combustion.

School is just an elaborate plot by vampires to obtain the blood of teenagers through periodic blood-drives.

In school, every period ends with a bell. Every sentence ends with a period. Every crime ends with a sentence.

In our school you were searched for guns and knifes on the way in and if you didn’t have any, they gave you some.

On my first day of school my parents dropped me off at the wrong nursery. There I was… surrounded by trees and bushes.

Fifth graders in Texas are using worms to recycle garbage from school lunches. But even the worms won’t eat the Salisbury steak.

Pencils and pens are now illegal on school campus; this was made law after a student successfully proved that a sharpened pencil was, in fact, a weapon.